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Showing posts from August, 2019

Blogging is Still the Wild Frontier

cc from I just looked at the date of the last post here at CBJ and it was July 13, 2018. So, it's been over a year since I've written a post here. Not the best marketing strategy, yet here I am, writing another post to keep the blog alive and give any readers out there hope the author is still alive and in the same blogging mind.  Of course, blogging is something I think about all the time. Having created the perfect blogs for every article I could imagine to write, I constantly think of articles and topics I could write about -- if only I had the time is usually the culprit I point to, and not without reason, still, the blogs go un-published and my ideas are seemingly lost in the daily routine of modern slavery.  Specifically, God has opened the door and I've been working as a greenskeeper for the last 5 months. Golfing is one of my passions and lawn care is one of my trades, the match has been great, especially since I get free golf at