I've been blogging now for about two years, and although there are times when I have a drought of posts- I still keep plugging away and writing in my blogs. The result is interesting like a sort of experiment in the kitchen which we call gulosh, or something like this. Really though, as I've begun to actually start growing my blogs I've also stopped writing in them very often. We ought to know we get what we put into things, so the energy I expended to begin these blogs of mine (have 4 of them now) has paid off in a relative successful way.
This blog is the deadest of my four blogs considering our ministry blog has only 4 posts. The ministry blog has no ads on it, so I can't tell if it has any Adsense visitors. Adsense visitors is how I count the views I have on the blogs. I don't count the views that are on the Blogger dashboard because those are not visitors, but merely views. The most popular blog of mine is called The Lowdown Truth, which is the first Blogger blog I made about two years ago.
I write basically about 2-6 blog posts a month, mostly in my main blog LDT. Within the last couple months I've seen a dramatic increase in the visitors and money LDT was making. The money is still nearly change, but still it's encouraging to see the improvement. It's like my LDT blog has finally been ingrained enough in the Internet world that it's beginning to attract visitors from many different places with even people linking to the posts and all.
Basically, the visitors Adsense has been showing, have been around 8k-10k a month on LDT. Before it was more like 1k-2k/month. Also, although the RPM is low, the money has increased from about .50 cents per month to around $5/month. If you were thinking blogging pays big money through Adsense, then this is a harsh reality, but it's hard to make significant money through Adsense and blogs. A blog has to get something like 500k visitors a month to begin to bring hundreds of dollars a month. You get the drift, mostly the people who are making money through blogging are using affiliate marketing, a product, or a service to make significant full time job wages type of money.
Remember, what you put your energy into is what is going to show fruits in the end. If a person is passionate about blogging and is willing to put the energy in to make is a place where they make a full time living, then they will do it after some time. I'm thinking from a fresh start maybe one to two years to make enough to do it full-time, and that spending full time hours on it for that time to get it to speed.
For me though, I have a buy and sell business that I spend my energy into. Blogging and writing in general on-line has taken a sort of back seat as I try to make a full time living through my buy and sell business. Yet, I still want to find some time to blog and share my thoughts about life, work, and Jesus.
I have decided to keep CBJ (this blog) because I just like it here too much to delete the blog. I can come here and talk about blogging and sort of document the journey I'm taking as a blogger and person trying to make money on-line. Also, I would like to talk about some how to and specific blogging discussions which may help a person who is starting out.
In conclusion today, although blogging may not make most of us that much, making $5-10/ month from writing 2-6 posts a month isn't too bad of progress for me. My goal is to make $200 a month with my three monetized blogs and two YouTube channels. Hopefully in a years time this will be a reality. I'll be in touch during this time. For now, happy blogging and God bless you in Jesus name.
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