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Showing posts from December, 2022

Hosted Blogs vs. Medium

I’ve been a blogger since 2013 and have 8 different blogs altogether; 7 are hosted on Blogger and 1 on WordPress. One of these blogs is associated with my Medium account (the one below), one is for my music, one is for golf, one is just a mirror blog, two are ministry blogs, one is about blogging, and the other is a review blog.  Business and Society Articles Really, I’ve been neglectful with most of these blogs over the better part of these 9 years, which shows with the stats I’ll show. There is one main blog I regularly post at and two others I keep up with decently.  Lately, I have updated my blogs with a new magazine theme and have started posting on them again. It is the off-season for me as a golf course greenskeeper, so I have some time to write and blog. This includes coming back to Medium and doing some work here the last two weeks.  I’ve written 9 articles on Medium in this time; most of these I also posted in the blog associated with this account.  That is...

The Massive Blog Update

Don’t ask me why I decided to create 8 different blogs in the last 9 years. The fact is, the blogs are there and have been given life and even longevity — long as many dogs sad to say (for the dogs). The strange part is, right after I wrote a piece about perhaps offing them with honors , the next day I decided to get ‘er done and do a massive update. This is good news for this blog.  I have to admit, CBJ was one of those blogs I was considering old yellering, but the good news is I found the strength to spend an entire day and a half upgrading all of my Blogger blogs with a new theme. If anyone else knows about blogging, they know this is a massive deal, especially when you have numerous widgets and links to arrange.  Instead of trying to describe all of this to you, let me show a picture of the old and new theme from Blogger (yes,, I’m still there).  Now, let me show you the new updated version: Now, let me show you below the featured story: Now you can see t...

The Scrambled Blogger

What started in 2012 has become a reality in 2022, yet the reality isn’t quite what I had in mind. Writing is what started, originally for a website called All Voices, which was a citizen journalist site working from a revenue-sharing model (is no longer around). This was very exciting to me at the time, an ambitious writer in his early 30s, a person who had been internet starved throughout his twenties and early thirties and now had access to the online world — the world was awaiting my opinions, so I hoped. The reality ten years later is what could be called a scrambled blogger or a scatterbrained writer, forlorn in the shadows of obscurity and lost in the wide efforts of his ambition. The whole “eggs in the basket” idea has turned into ashes in the woodstove, as little efforts spent far and wide equal little payoffs in the proverbial basket. It’s not even the stretched-too-thin problem that has rendered my efforts nearly penniless, it is the lost ambition to write and the loss of fo...