Of course there are many different ways bloggers get the job done, some better than others. Creating content for our blogs is important so they don't become neglected and drop out of the google radar. After a couple years of blogging I've tried a mostly the: write when I want to approach, but now I'm willing to try something different like a schedule. The Blogging Schedule Plan: Basically, I'm writing articles for my blogs. I spend half my day writing articles for other people, so treat the articles for my sites as I would a client. Record the time it takes to write and post the article, hopefully within the hour time slot I've planned and scheduled for my blogging and YouTube videos. See, I now work from home full-time, and there are many eggs in the income basket. There are a couple main ones I work the hardest at, but then there are many small income streams with potential to be more. Blogging on all 7 of my blog...
Journal about blogging from a Christian perspective