is the main internet website ranking platform. This site is free to use and can greatly help a person who is trying to discern sites to spend time on to make money or whatever. Alexa can also help a blogger see how their blog ranks in the masses of sites on-line. In this post, I'm going to share my experience with Alexa rankings with my main three blogs and my conclusions. Overall, I would tell blogger to not worry about their Alexa rankings and not to define their success from this ranking. Personally, I think the rankings are likely controlled by censoring powers who would like to completely control the Internet like a complete communist nation. I've been blogging for about 15 months now, and when I learned about Alexa rankings and was trying to grow my blogs, so I kept track of my weekly rankings for a couple of months. For some odd reason my oldest/main blog where I had most of my posts, well it was ranked the worst out of the three blogs I have. ...
Journal about blogging from a Christian perspective